Eye surgery

1/2/2024 | 303

Eye surgery is surgery performed on the eye and its appendages by an ophthalmic surgeon. Ocular surgery can be performed for several condition.

Eye surgery preparations and precautions : For optimal safety the ophthalmic surgery is performed in a clinic, with a medical and paramedical team. The operation is usually performed under local anesthetic for the more benign procedures. General anesthetic is used in the treatment for children and in cases of severe traumatic injuries

Several types of surgery : The ophthalmic surgeon can perform several types of surgery, depending on the pathology to be treated. Cataract surgery will replace the opaque lens with an artificial lens. Glaucoma surgery is used to lower intraocular pressure. Refractive surgery corrects refractive errors in the eye, such as keratoplasty, keratotomy or presbyopia inversion. One can also find corneal surgery. For example, vitreoretinal surgery to correct retinal detachment. Finally, eye muscle surgery will correct vision defects such as strabismu.